Uprok is a game designed for 5 players playing with 1 foot pedal each. Originally started at a game jam, it was expanded for entry to the Experimental Gameplay Project's 5 BUTTONS competition and was shown along side some of the other entries at the Stattbad Gallery in Berlin.

Uprok has also been at the Wild Rumpus live games event in London and 2012's GDC after-party All Other Parties Are Trite And Dull. Most recently, in April 2014, it was shown at the Norwich Gaming Festival.

The game is a timing-based racing game, where slower players drop out until only one remains. The gameplay is influenced by Tiny Wings and Twang. All code, music and art is by me. Uprok was written in Javascript and uses HTML Canvas for procedural graphics and WebAudio for reactive sound.
Single player demo - Chrome only.